Maximise IT Resources for a Strong Finish in 2023

Published on: 14th November 2023
Maximise IT Resources for a Strong Finish in 2023

Creating an IT plan for the homestretch of the year can be a game changer for IT departments.

Maybe you find yourself with a more lenient workload, or there is some IT budget that can be utilised to get projects over the finish line which may have been put off. This article will highlight some key areas which could provide low hanging fruit for managers to maximise IT resources before the year is over.

Vulnerability Scanning and Penetration Testing:

As global attacks continue to rise, if you’re not proactively identifying weaknesses in your network and systems, you are essentially allowing a threat actor to do this for you. Companies like Communicate can perform penetration tests and vulnerability scans which work within your budget to reduce the risk of cyber attacks and help you craft a comprehensive plan for your security in the new year.


Easily put off but important to do, software upgrades help you stay up to date with the latest software versions to ensure better performance, security, and compatibility with new technologies. Engage your stakeholders, make them aware of plans, and be ready to provide support and training where needed.

Backup Data:

Data loss and corruption can be hours, days, or even years of data lost, depending on the backup systems you have in place. We can help clients with data backup as well as disaster recovery, should the worst happen. Business continuity and compliance with data protection regulations rely heavily on having access to your history of files, so this is an area to prioritise this year if you haven’t already.

Cyber Essentials Certification or compliance:

Should you already be doing a lot of the basics in cyber security, you can demonstrate your commitment to security best practices relatively quickly and affordably by getting your Cyber Essentials certification. This can also be the first step if you’re looking to become ISO2001 certified in the future.

Hardware Refreshes:

If you’ve got some spare budget and you have some hardware reaching its end of life, an easy way to utilise your remaining resource is to update hardware and set your organisation up for a productive new year. If you want a hand getting the best prices, get in touch.

Scam Email/Phishing Awareness Training:

Your team may be your greatest asset, but when it comes to cyber security they are also your greatest risk. From as little as £1 PUPM, you can educate employees on recognising and preventing phishing attacks, thus reducing the likelihood of security breaches.

Swapping Landlines for Virtual Numbers:

Save costs and gain flexibility by switching to virtual numbers, allowing employees to stay connected while working remotely or on the go. Also, in the process, you will be future proofing yourself against the Analouge Switch Off and saving costs on an expensive contract.

Negotiating Better pricing and Terms with Vendors:

When working with vendors, you want to make sure your contracts maximise the value of your budget. We have a dedicated Vendor Manager who can help you check you’re getting the most favourable terms with your products, so you can go into the new year with certainty in your procurement processes.


By incorporating these strategies and making necessary changes before the start of the new year, you can enhance your cyber security, IT infrastructure and telecoms and maximise IT resources available to you. Should you require assistance in any of these changes feel free to chat with us, our specialists are more than happy to help in smoothing the transition into 2024.


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